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equal time” principle
平等时间  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
principle of equal pay for equal work
同工同酬原则  detail>>
equal time
〔美国〕平等时间〔电台或电视台在另一天给予反对党同样长的发表政见的时间〕;〔比喻〕均等的机会。   detail>>
equal treatment for equals principle
同等纳税人同等待遇原则  detail>>
principle of equal advantage
利益均等原则 同等利益原理  detail>>
principle of equal effects
等效原理  detail>>
principle of equal net advantage
纯效益均等原理  detail>>
principle of equal opportunities
机会均等原则  detail>>
principle of equal value exchange
等价有偿原则  detail>>
a scholar of no equal of his time
一代名儒  detail>>
contour of equal travel time
等流时线  detail>>
equal time point
等时点  detail>>
equal time point (etp)
等时点  detail>>
equal travel time
等运行时间  detail>>
equal travel time surface
等旅行时面  detail>>
time by equal altitude of a star
单星等高法测时  detail>>
holmium  detail>>